We are a UK & US based Management Company intended to provide the infrastructure and global platform for everyone that sits within its network. Having only recently been established: Circa 2020
The company has set goals on pioneering a new wave of industry standard across Artists Creative and Management through music, events and content creation. LGRP’s culture and vision is designed to pave the way for innovation in the Management, Creatives, Events, Media and Content Creation.
At the LOCUS GROUP every individual will thrive and grow within their own capacity. We do not set limitations, instead we provide a culture for every employee, client or associate to succeed and grow accordingly. We wish to remove all ego from the business dynamic and provide a genuine launching point for our respected team and network to evolve. We strive to capture a culture that does nothing but incentivise and encourage growth across all facets of the team and business.
“Where we go one, We go all”